The giant ship and the pirates who loved them

The giant ship and the pirates who loved them

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The brigantine was a powerful type of ship that was highly sought after by pirates. The ship weighed about 150 tons, and was capable of carrying 10 to 12 guns and a crew of up to 100 men. These ships were for the great pirates who did not have to hide or run from their enemies. Sometimes called “skirmish ships,” brigantines were built for combat, and a brave or strong pirate would command one of them.

The Royal Navy also sometimes used brigantines to hunt down pirates, but for the most part, pirate hunting vessels were usually a little larger. Regardless, larger giants can devour more common sailboats like hor d’oeuvres (mental note: never use the word hor d’oeuvres in spelling again. A pain in the ass getting the spelling and it just doesn’t sound right). Although the galleons were a little faster and sometimes carried more weapons, the Cyclops could take much larger punishment and could hold more men.

The average pirate ship, a sloop, was a single-masted ship that could carry about 50-75 men and up to 14 (but rarely) guns. Some sloops were larger than that, but in almost all versions the sloop was more adequate. In the sneaking order of ships, the galleons were above the Slopes and Barca, but below the mighty frigates. A few pirates captain sailing ships. Even fewer frigates commanded by the captain. Blackbeard had one (Queen Anne’s Revenge), but few others had the means to take and hold a warship.

The brigantines carried two sails, but they used a combination of square sails and “fore and aft” sails to give them versatility at sea (meaning they could outsmart and outsmart you). Of course, shipping vernacular has changed and shifted throughout history, and the finer details of the giant craft shifted with it, but everyone seems to agree that brigantines had two masts and were bigger than sloops ships. And they were really cool.

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